Privacy Policy

Effective Date:  October 21, 2022

Click here to see the full Privacy Policy.

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Your privacy is important to us.  Please read the below privacy notice to understand Moe's Mindset Energy online information practices and your related choices.

This privacy notice (“Notice”) explains how Moe's Mindset Energy ("Moe's Mindset Energy", “we”, “our”), collects, use, disclose, and protects the personal information that it collects about you through our website (“Site”) and the products and services available through our Site, and interactions with you (our “Services”).  This Site is operated by (“Moe’s Mindset Energy”) on behalf of Moe's Mindset Energy. This Notice does not apply to Sites and Services that do not display or link to this Notice.

If you are a California resident, please see Additional Information for California Consumers for additional disclosures.


We may collect information directly from you, about you from other sources, and automatically as you use our Services.

Information We Collect From You

We may collect information from you, including personal information, when you use our Site and Services; the type of information that we collect varies based on your interaction with our Site and Services. The following are representative examples of our data collection from you:

Customer Management and Support: We may collect information when you contact us with an inquiry regarding our products and Services, such as your name, email address, postal address, or phone number, and your comments or inquiry. If you call our customer service hotline, we may keep a recording or transcript of your call with our customer support specialist for quality assurance purposes. If you have an account with us, however, we do not typically associate this recording or transcript with your account.

Newsletters and E-Mail Sign-up: You may sign-up for our newsletter using your email address. You may unsubscribe from receiving our newsletter at any time by opting out in the email or manage your preferences as described in the Marketing Communications section below.

Content: When you submit comments, ratings, and other content (collectively “content”), we maintain a copy of this content. We may collect certain metadata associated with the content (e.g., location, date/ time stamp, device type). For certain types of posting, including reviews, we may require you to provide an email address to us before you may post the review.

Surveys and Web Forms: We may collect information from you when you fill out web forms on our Site or participate in one of our surveys.

Other Information We Collect About You: We may also collect personal information about you through our social media pages (for example, if you post a comment about one of our products) but we do not typically combine this information we learn about you with other information we hold about you.

Information we Collect From Other Entities

We may collect personal information about you from other sources, such as your name, postal address, phone number and purchase history. We also collect information from other sources such as our data analytics service providers and advertising providers. We may combine the information we receive from and about you on- and offline, including personal and non-personal information collected through our Site, to help us tailor our communications to you and to improve our Site and Services.

Information we Collect Automatically

When you use our Services, we, and the parties we work with and who help us to place and manage our advertisements, may use persistent and session cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, or other technologies to automatically collect certain information about visitors to and users of our Site to deliver online advertisements that we think would be more relevant to your interests. We also use such data to monitor your interactions with our emails, text messages and online advertisements. For example, we may automatically collect certain information from you, such as identifying information like your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, device ID, and location information. We also may automatically capture your purchase history. In addition, we may collect information about your usage of our Site, including, browsing behavior, such as the date and time you visit our Site, the areas or pages of our Site that you visit, the amount of time you spend viewing or using our Site, the number of times you return to our Site, other click-stream or site usage data, emails or ads that you open, forward or click-through to our Site, or the search terms that lead you to our Site.  We do not necessarily link this information to your account or other information that we collect about you.


We use your information, including your personal information, for the following purposes:

·       for the purposes for which you provided it;


·       for transactional purposes, such as providing Services to you, and to send you information about your relationship or transactions with us;


·       For Administration and Evaluating the Use of Our Services:

o   to offer, manage, monitor and improve the content and features of the Services or develop new Services; 

o   to manage our inventory, maintain and improve our Site and Services, including debugging and repairing;

o   to address problems and review the usage and operations of our Sites and Services or business;

o   to determine the features of our Site and Services that are most important to users, to understand how users navigate our Site and Services;


·       For Marketing and Communications

o   for communications and customer service, to respond to your questions or comments, and contact and communicate with you about your inquires;

o   where permitted by applicable law, to contact you with information, newsletters, and promotional materials, including special offers, promotions, new products, and other information we think may interest you from and about Moe’s Mindset Energy or on behalf of our partners and affiliates;

o   to provide you with customized content, targeted offers, and advertising on our Sites, on other sites, as permitted by applicable law;

o   we may send you alerts or other communications via SMS messages or other media or networks.  You may opt-out of such communications at any time by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email or SMS you receive. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you transactional emails about your account or any Services you have requested or received from us;

o   to associate your activities, customize content or tailor advertising across different devices and browsers that you use to access the Services (for instance, computers, tablets, mobile devices, applications, and websites);


·       Analytics and Research

o   for research and analytic purposes, such as to understand usage and activity trends and other statistical purposes, for example what products are most popular. We also may use data in aggregated form to determine relevant advertising and to evaluate the success of our advertising campaigns. We also may share data in the aggregate with other entities to assist us with these purposes or for their own use;

o   to develop and improve new products, features, content or services;


·       Protecting Rights and Interest

o   to protect the security or integrity of our Sites and our business and the safety, rights, property, or security of Moe’s Mindset Energy, the Services, any other entity, or the general public; to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; to prevent or stop activity that we consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, an illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity; to use as evidence in litigation; and to enforce this Notice or Terms of Use;


·       Legal Compliance

o   to comply with applicable legal or regulatory obligations, including as part of a judicial proceeding; to respond to a subpoena, warrant, court order, or other legal process; or as part of an investigation or request, whether formal or informal, from law enforcement or a governmental authority.


We may disclose your personal information in the following ways:

Affiliates & Service Providers

We may share personal information among our brands, affiliates and subsidiaries. In the course of doing business, we also employ other companies and individuals to perform certain functions as our Service Providers on our behalf. For example, we hire agencies to help us administer consumer promotions, to analyze data, to fulfill orders you place, and to provide customer service.

Marketing Partners

We may conduct joint promotions with other companies. We may share with our promotional partners (and their service providers) certain personal information to conduct the promotion. We will not disclose this information to our promotional partners for any other purpose unless you consent to such sharing. If you don’t want us to disclose your personal information to our marketing partners, you may opt out by emailing us here. However, if you opt out of such marketing, this won’t affect information we have already shared about you, and we may still send you our own marketing and promotional emails about information and ads we think you may be interested in (unless you have opted out of receiving marketing emails).

Legal Compliance

We may disclose information where we think it's necessary to investigate or prevent an actual or suspected crime or injury to ourselves or others, if required by law, or in response to a request from law enforcement authorities or other government officials, including as part of a judicial proceeding; in response to a subpoena, warrant, court order, or other legal process; or as part of an investigation or request, whether formal or informal.

Business Transfers

During the normal course of our business, we may sell or purchase assets or equity. If another entity acquires us or any of our assets, information we have collected about you may be transferred to such entity, including during negotiations related to such transactions. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, such information may be considered an asset of ours and may be sold or transferred to other parties.

Protecting Rights and Interests

We may disclose your information to protect the safety, rights, property, or security of Moe’s Mindset Energy, the Services, any third party, or the general public; to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; to prevent or stop activity which Moe’s Mindset Energy, in its sole discretion, may consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, an illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity; to use as evidence in litigation; and to enforce this Notice.

Aggregate and De-Identified Information

We may disclose aggregate, anonymous, or de-identified information about users for marketing, advertising, research, compliance, or other purposes.


As described above, the advertisers and ad networks we work with may use technology such as cookies and web beacons/pixel tags, or flash cookies when they advertise on our or external websites to provide you relevant advertisements based on your online behavior, search activities on our Site and on other sites, and demographic information relevant to your general location, so that the advertising you see on our Site closely reflects your interests and needs. For more information on how to manage your cookie preferences see the How You Can Control Cookies section below.

Custom Audiences and Matching

We may disclose certain information (such as your email address) to other parties – such as Facebook (more info on Facebook Custom Audience here) so that we can better target ads and content to our users, and others with similar interests on these external platforms or networks (“Custom Audiences”). We may also work with ad networks and marketing platforms that enable us and other participants to target ads to Custom Audiences submitted by us and others. If you would like to opt out of being included in our Custom Audiences going forward, email us here and we will opt you out of our future Custom Audiences.

Interest-based Ads

We work with others (“ad companies”) to display more relevant advertising on our Services, and to manage our advertising on other sites, mobile apps and online services. In order to display more relevant ads on our behalf and others, these ad companies may use cookies, pixels tags, and other tools to collect browsing and activity information on our Services, on other sites and across different devices, which may be linked with certain offline data. They may also collect IP address, device ID, cookie and advertising IDs, and other identifiers, general location information, and, with your consent, your device’s geolocation information. These ad companies may use this information to provide you more relevant ads and content and to evaluate the success of such ads and content. As a result, our ads may be displayed to you on a search results page or on other sites.


You may control how Facebook and other parties display certain ads to you, as explained further in their respective privacy policies and ad preferences pages. You can also obtain more information about targeted advertising, and how to opt-out of receiving targeted ads from many ad networks  (including Facebook and Google) through the following:  (Digital Advertising Alliance) and  (Network Advertising Initiative).

Opting out of participating ad networks does not opt you out of being served advertising. You may continue to receive generic or “contextual” ads on our Services. You may also continue to receive targeted ads on other websites from companies that do not participate in the above programs. Please note that opt-out mechanisms are cookie based; so if you delete cookies, block cookies or use another device, your opt-out will no longer be effective.

Do-Not-Track Signals

Our Site does not respond to do-not-track signals. For more information about do-not-track signals, please click here. You may, however, disable certain tracking as discussed above (e.g., by disabling cookies).


We may use analytics companies, for example Google Analytics (see privacy policy and opt-out), to evaluate use of our Services. We use these tools to help us understand use of, and to improve, our Services, performance, ad campaigns, and user experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as web beacons or local storage objects (LSOs), to perform their services.

Links and Social Plug-Ins

Our Site may link to external websites and this Notice does not apply to those external sites. For information about the privacy practices that apply to such external sites, please check the privacy policy of the specific site you're visiting to understand the privacy practices associated with that site. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites.


Protecting your personal information is important to us. We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to help protect against unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the personal information we collect on our Site. However, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security.


We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will endeavor to delete such personal information from our systems.


Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), we are required to provide specific information about our information collection, use, and disclosure practices to residents of California (“consumers” in this section). This section covers information that we collect both online and offline. Under the CCPA and as used in this CA specific section, “Personal Information” is any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household, including the categories identified in the sections below to the extent they identify, relate to, describe, are capable of being associated with, or could be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. CCPA further requires that we disclose certain information about the categories of Personal Information that we have collected, disclosed for a business purpose, or that we have “sold”.

The Personal Information we Collect and Disclose

The following table shows the categories of Personal Information we may collect; the categories of sources from which each category of Personal Information is collected; the business purpose(s) for which the Personal Information is collected; and categories of third parties with whom that category of Personal Information may be shared.  of Personal Information in each category; provides information about how we may disclose and sell categories of Personal Information that we collect:

Categories of Personal Information we may Collect

Categories of Sources from which this Category of Personal Information is Collected

Business Purpose(s) for which we may Collect and Disclose Your Information

Categories of Third Parties with Whom this Personal Information is Shared/Sold and/or Disclosed Business Purpose(s)

Name, Contact Information and Identifiers: identifiers such as real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers.

Directly from you, from affiliated entities, Operating Systems and Platforms, Internet Service Providers

Perform services including maintaining accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders; verifying customer information, processing payments, advertising and marketing.

Business to Business Companies, Data Analytics Providers, Operating Systems and Platforms, Social Networks, Manufacturing Companies, Advertising Networks, and Internet Service Providers

Customer Records: paper and electronic customer records containing Personal Information, such as name, address, telephone number, credit card information.

Directly from you

Perform services including maintaining accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders; verifying customer information, processing payments, advertising and marketing.

Auditing related to a current interaction with a consumer and concurrent transactions.

Business to Business Companies, Data Analytics Providers, Operating Systems and Platforms, Social Networks, Manufacturing Companies, Advertising Networks, and Internet Service Providers

Purchase History and Tendencies: commercial information, including records products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Directly from you

Perform services including maintaining accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders; verifying customer information, processing payments, advertising and marketing.

Auditing related to a current interaction with a consumer and concurrent transactions.

Business to Business Companies, Data Analytics Providers, Operating Systems and Platforms, Social Networks, Manufacturing Companies, Advertising Networks, and Internet Service Providers

Usage Data: internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet website, application, or advertisement.

Automatically from you as you use our Site and Services; Internet Service Providers, Data Analytics Providers, Operating Systems and Platforms

Perform services including maintaining accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders; marketing and advertising purposes.

Business to Business Companies, Data Analytics Providers, Operating Systems and Platforms, Social Networks, Manufacturing Companies, Advertising Networks, and Internet Service Providers

Audio: audio, electronic, or similar information (except that we do not sell this information). For example, if you contact our call center, we may retain a copy of that call recording; as noted, typically, such recordings are not associated with user accounts.

Directly from you

Customer service purposes; transactional purposes

IT service providers, cloud and hosting service providers


California law grants consumers certain rights and imposes restrictions on particular business practices as set forth below.

Right to Opt-Out

California consumers have the right to opt-out of the sale of their Personal Information. The CCPA defines a “sale” as disclosing or making available to a third-party Personal Information in exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration. While we do not disclose Personal Information to third parties in exchange for monetary compensation, we do disclose or make available Personal Information to third parties such as those that help us that provide the Services.  We also participate in digital advertising networks to deliver advertising that is tailored to your interests. Our disclosure of your information for targeted advertising purposes in some circumstances constitutes a “sale”.

To exercise your opt-out rights, please complete our Do Not Sell My Personal Information form or call us at 1-866 805 2879.  In order to opt out targeted advertising, please visit  and/or 

California consumers who are younger than 16 years old have the right not to have their personal information sold without appropriate authorization. We do not sell Personal Information about consumers that we know are younger than 16 years old. 

Requests for Copy, Deletion, and Right to Know

Subject to certain exceptions, California consumers have the following rights at no charge:

Initial Notice: The right to be notified at or before the point of collection of the categories of Personal Information that we collect and why we collect it, as well as to be provided with a link to our Do-Not-Sell page (described in more detail below) and this Policy.

Deletion: The right to request deletion of their Personal Information that we have collected about you, subject to certain exemptions.  under the CCPA, including when we cannot verify your request and/or when there is a conflict with our own obligations to comply with other legal or regulatory requirements.  We will notify you following submission of your request if this is the case.

Copy: The right to request, subject to certain exemptions, a copy of the specific pieces of Personal Information that we have collected about the consumer in the prior 12 months, and to have this delivered, free of charge, either (a) by mail or (b) electronically (including through a portal where permitted) in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily useable format that allows the consumer to port the Personal Information to another entity.

Right to Know: California residents have the right to request, subject to certain exemptions, that we disclose certain information about how we have collected, used, disclosed or sold your Personal Information in the prior 12 months.

Verification Process:  After we receive your request, we will verify that the requested information is directly with the person submitting the request, either as the consumer or as an authorized agent or guardian of the consumer.  We may ask you to provide a few pieces of information to confirm your identity in our records.

Submitting a Verifiable Request: To submit a copy, deletion, or right-to-know request please call us at 1-866 805 2879 (toll free), or you can submit your request online by using our Consumer Request Form if you are a consumer, or, if you are an agent submitting the request on behalf of a California consumer, please use our Agent Request Form. We will respond to within the timeframe required by law. An authorized agent submitting a request on behalf of a California consumer must demonstrate that the consumer provided written permission, signed by the consumer authorizing the agent to act on the consumer’s behalf. For requests for information and deletion, we may require that the California consumer verify its own identity directly with us and directly confirm that the consumer provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. 

Incentives and Discrimination

The CCPA prohibits discrimination against California consumers for exercising their rights under the CCPA and imposes requirements on any financial incentives offered to California consumers related to their Personal Information. Businesses may only offer different prices, rates, or quality of goods or services if the difference is reasonably related to the value of the consumer’s data.

Discrimination:  If consumers exercise their rights under CCPA, businesses may not discriminate against them, such as by denying or providing a different level or quality of goods or services or charging or suggesting that a business will charge different prices or rates or impose penalties (unless doing so is reasonably related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer’s data).

[Disclosure of Incentives]:  If businesses offer any financial incentives for the collection, sale or deletion of a consumer’s Personal Information, the consumer has the right to be notified of any financial incentives offers and their material terms, as well as the right to not be opted into such offers without prior informed opt-in consent and to be able to opt-out of such offers at any time. Businesses may not offer unjust, unreasonable, coercive or usurious financial incentives. We do not offer any incentives at this time.


If you have any questions about this Notice, you can contact us at:


Moe's Mindset Energy LLC

12345 Address Street

Los Angeles, CA 91411

United States of America

Attention:  Moe's Mindset Energy Privacy Policy



We may from time to time change or update portions of this Notice. Please check back periodically so you are aware of any changes or updates to the Notice. We will indicate the Notice 's last updated date at the top of this Notice. We will post any changes to this Notice on our Site and will take steps to notify you of material changes, such as via email or prominent notice on the Site.